Everyone loves to see their name in print!
The Story of Christmas

This story helps explain to your child why we give gifts and why we celebrate Christmas. It includes scripture passages from the International Children's Bible, and your child's name, age, hometown and the names of friends. An excellent Christmas gift for ages 3-11!

To order, please click here

God's Special Gifts To Me

In this thought provoking story, your child will read about some of the very special gifts that God has given him/her. Gifts such as sight, smell, touch and hearing as well as spiritual gifts like truth, kindness, love and prayer. Includes your child's name, age, hometown and the names of friends. A very beautiful keepsake for every child aged 0-11.

To order, please click here

My Book of Prayers

My Book of Prayers helps your child learn to talk to God and reassures them that God does hear their prayers. Includes your child's name, age, hometown and the names of friends. This non-denominational book has prayers for everyday situations such as when your child is going to bed or unwell. A priceless gift for children up to 11 years of age.

To order, please click here

Let Us Thank God

This warmly illustrated personalised book, will remind your child of all the reasons they have to be thankful to God. Includes your child's name, hometown, friends, age and the name of a pet.
A great way to get children aged 0-7 to say thanks to God.

To order, please click here


This biblical story of Noah's Ark and all of his animal friends is a forty day and forty night classic which is sure to be enjoyed for years to come. A great recount of this popular Bible story which will include your child's name, age, hometown and the names of friends. Ages 5 - 11

To order, please click here

BOOK COVER                          WHAT THE STORY IS ABOUT                              SAMPLE PAGE
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We are God's children.  He loves you, Leah Powers.  God made us and loves us all. Because God cares about you, Leah, He watches over everything you do in Earls Court, London.  He watches you wherever you go. God is happy that you like playing with Tony, Mom, and Grandma.  He is pleased when you are kind to others.

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, isn't it, Karen?  It is a time of giving! Will you be giving gifts to Judy, John, and Micheal this Christmas?  May be you will even leave Finchley, North London this Christmas to visit family or friends in another town!
Sandra Jones, how wonderful it is to be able to talk to God!  When you or Judy, John, and Micheal talk to God, it is called praying. You can pray anywhere you go in Chelmsford, Essex.  In fact, Sandra, you can pray anywhere you go in this whole wide world that God has made.

Hi Jessica.  My name is Gabriel. Mummy and Daddy have provided this book to you in London so you may learn some of the reasons that we give thanks to God.
The first gift God gave you was life. You were a gift of God to your parents.  They love you no matter what. 
Soon the ark began to take shape.  When the neighbours saw the large boat that Noah and his sons were making, they began to laugh.  They did not offer to help Noah.  John, do you think the neighbours should have done that?

Bless... give these books as gifts and build the child's self-esteem

Evangelise... share the gospel with these books

Prosper... raise funds for your church, charity or school

Educate... encourage a love of reading

The Story of Christmas   
God's Special Gift to Me  
My Book of Prayers   
Let Us Thank God    
God Loves Me   
God's Promise    
Let Your Light Shine    
Baby Jesus and Me   
Noah & Santa's Helper