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My Dinosaur Adventure

Your child gets to experience this Jurassic tale about meeting a huge Stegosaurus, an Apotasaurus and even a family of Pterodactyls. It's a delightful book for young paleontologists everywhere! Premium Hardback only. 

My Train Adventure
My Train Adventure is about a long wished for ride on a steam engine. Finally, the day arrives and the journey begins. Soon remarkable events start to happen; a trip to the shop, a scary bridge, a tree across the tracks, and best of all, a ride in the driver's cab!  Your child's name, 2 friends and an adults name all are included in this wonderful adventure. Premium Hardback only.


My Camping Adventure
Your child goes on a camping adventure with his friends and his Dad or adult of his choice and learns the importance of maps and life jackets and other camping situations. The legend of the mountain's treasure is passed down from the old hermit bear to your child as they embark on an ecological family adventure. Premium Hardback only. 

My Farm Adventure

Rooster is lost! All the animals are depending on you to find him! Your child becomes a detective and saves the day in this exciting adventure story full of all your favourite farm animals. Premium Hardback only. 

My Aladdin Adventure

In this exciting story, your child helps Aladdin get back to his home in the past, retrieve his magic lamp from the evil magician, find the beautiful princess, and live in a glorious palace. Budget Paperback £4.99 

The Lost Dinosaur
Your child visits a museum and discovers a real, live baby dinosaur. The little dinosaur needs help to go back home, 150 million years back in time. With the aid of a museum exhibit containing a time machine that no-one thought worked, your child sends the poor baby Brachiosaurs back to be with his mother. 
 Budget Paperback £4.99 

Benjamin Jones of Wimbledon, London had a special dream. His favourite books to read from the library were always those about dinosaurs, as he wanted to learn a lot more about them. As he was thinking about this, a beautiful white unicorn appeared at his bedroom window.

"We're off!" James laughed happily. Soot and steam came in through the open window. Dad closed it quickly, before they all got dirty. James stood in front of the window, watching the countryside pass by. He saw a tunnel up ahead. He giggled, when both John and Alex shrieked...
It was "Old Teddy Bear," the hermit, who told Dad the story of the mountain's treasure. Now Dad would pass the story along to Daniel. "It's over that ridge," Dad told Daniel. "We'll have to camp overnight." We better check our supplies, Daniel. We wouldn't want to forget anything," said Dad..
Dasher Hound, who knew absolutely everything about what happened on the farm, looked over and saw a young girl walking around the barn.
"If my eyes don't deceive me," said Dasher excitedly, "I think it's Samantha Williams, that famous child detective. 
The most amazing thing happened to Paul Richardson. While playing hide-and-seek with Daniel, Wyatt, and Mitchell at his home in Austin, Zachary discovered a young man dressed in unusual clothes. "Who are you?" Paul asked. "My name is Aladdin," he answered. 
It was a sunny afternoon in LondonZachary Richardson felt like going somewhere. "Let's go to the museum today to see the dinosaurs," said Zachary. Michael, Bryce and Sam thought that was a great idea. Soon they were off.

Paperback £4.99
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The Fishing Adventure
Your child enters a fishing contest with his Dad or adult of his choice and after many tries, catches the biggest fish to win the fishing contest as his friends cheer him on. 
This book uses Teddy Bears instead of children in the pictures, so it is great for children of all races. Premium Hardback only. 

Zachary Scott Richardson was peacefully reclining in his bed, browsing through his newest fishing catalog and thinking about the annual fishing contest on the Colorado River. "I sure wish I could enter," Zachary said to himself as he flipped through the pages.

Everyone Loves To See Their Name In Print!
Paperback £4.99