Special Delivery
This is a tender rememberance of your child's birth. The delivery of your new baby is specially recorded as a family keepsake for years to come. Include: Baby's full name, Sex, Birth date, Time, Length and Weight, Doctor/Midwife's name, Hospital name, Visitor's Names, & Parents Names. Not all information is required. Premuim Hardback only.
One very special day in Bromley, a wonderful thing happened in the lives of Elizabeth and Michael. Do you know what it was? A very special little girl named Jessica Ann Smith was born. Everyone at Baptist Hospital was very excited. The whole town of Bromley had been...
Baby's Create A Book
A great book which will be a treasured keepsake for every parent. Your child's birth recorded as a story. Versions are: Christian, Single parent, Adopted, Adopted single parent, Premature birth, and Twins version. Include: Baby's full name, Sex, Birth date, time, length and weight. Doctor/Midwife's name, Hospital name, Visitor's Names, & Parents Names. Not all information required. Premuim Hardback only.
On Friday 31st December 2004 , the lives of Sandra and David of Wimbledon were changed forever. They received a very special gift, a little new baby girl. Sandra and David had chosen the name Alexia Jane Smith for their little new bundle of joy and decided to call her Alexia.
Everyone Loves To See Their Name In Print!