Jennifer received a pink envelope with her name on it: Jennifer Holmes. Inside, an invitation said: Tonight the London Children's Ballet presents the Parade of Flowers with the Ballerina Princess. Please attend! Jennifer invited Sarah, Mary Catherine and Brenda to come, too.
The Ballerina Princess
Standard Hardback
A dream comes true to dance in a ballet. Your child saves the day when the original star of the ballet can't perform. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
My Aladdin Adventure
In this exciting story, your child helps Aladdin get back to his home in the past, retrieve his magic lamp from the evil magician, find the beautiful princess, and live in a glorious palace.Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends. Budget Paperback £4.99
The most amazing thing happened to Paul Richardson. While playing hide-and-seek with Daniel, Wyatt, and Mitchell at his home in Austin, Zachary discovered a young man dressed in unusual clothes. "Who are you?" Paul asked.
"My name is Aladdin," he answered.
The Lost Dinosaur
Your child visits a museum and discovers a real, live baby dinosaur. The little dinosaur needs help to go back home, 150 million years back in time, your child comes to help. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
It was a sunny afternoon in London, England. Zachary Richardson felt like going somewhere. "Let's go to the museum today to see the dinosaurs," said Zachary. Michael, Bryce and Sam thought that was a great idea. Soon they were off.
Mission Accomplished
Your child is the captain of a rocket ship full of astronauts with his/her friends as team leaders on a simulated scientific space mission to the moon or to any other planet your child chooses. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
"Tony we want you to lead a scientific expedition to Saturn," announced the mission commander. "You'll be in charge of all teams on board." Tony Richardson's heart raced with excitement. Team leaders Sally, David and Annette cheered, "You'll be a great captain!"
The Firefighter's Hero
Your child reports a fire emergency and a cute puppy is saved as a result. For being so responsible, your child is awarded a grand tour of the fire station and even gets to spray the firehose. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends. Budget Paperback £4.99
Luckily, Jim remembered there was a phone booth in the park. He waved to Michael, Sean and Andrew to follow him. Jim ran at full speed to the phone booth and dialed "999." Michael, Sean and Andrew came running up just as the emergency dispatcher answered the call. "Is this an emergency?" said the voice.
Justin Edwards said good night to Sarah. It was Christmas Eve! "I hope Santa comes to London," he said. Then Justin drifted off to sleep, happy that the next morning would be Christmas.
Santa's Secret Helper
Santa and the reindeer get a late start on Christmas Eve. Your child comes to the rescue and gets to drive Santa's sleigh. Includes: child's name, age, hometown and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
If I Could Be
An entertaining book for the child that does not like to clean their room. The child learns that it's always best to be yourself. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
"I wish I didn't have to clean my room," Susan Parker said to Mum and Dad. "I'm probably the only girl in London that has to clean her room." But Susan went to her room anyway. "If I could be a frog or a flower, I would not have to clean my room. Only kids have to do that."
My Zoo Book of Rhymes
Your child learns that words can be fun with this humorous book of rhymes. Filled with wonderful illustrations of animals. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
On a trip to the zoo in Kent, Allen and Cassie played a game with Jonathan called "What Would You Do?" Allen asked Jonathan... "What would you do if a giraffe or two asked you to join them for lunch?" Jonathan said, "I'd s-t-r-e-t-c-h my neck and reach up to check which leaves were the best in the bunch."
God Loves Me
A beautiful story in which your child shares with the flowers and the trees, and the birds and the bees, that God loves him or her. A very special book. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
Chase Bateman was the happiest kid in London. He had just learned a wonderful secret. "God loves me," Chase said to himself. "I can't wait to tell someone. But I can't tell Tommy and Rebecca until tonight. Who can I tell my secret to now?"
Guide to Love
A humourous look at things to consider when thinking about love. Fun for grown ups and an excellent gift for Valentine's day! Includes: Name, age, gender, hometown and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
Sam, have you wondered if you are really in love? Do you feel weak all over? Are your palms sweaty? Well, you possibly just have the flu or some strange disease? Or I COULD be LOVE darling! You know, Sam some people should check out their ...
Nadine Says: "You're over the hill, Honey!"
The hilarious character Nadine pokes unmerciful fun at the ageing friend of your choice. Includes: Name, age, gender, hometown and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
Hi, Pete. Suzie and John asked me to send this book to you in Hampstead because it seems you need some expert advice on love. Well, this is your lucky day, honey, 'cause I'm going to share my wealth of information on LOVE with you!
God's Promise
Your child delights in the story of Noah's Ark while making his/her very own picture book about this favorite Bible story. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
It had just rained in New Cross and the beautiful colours of a rainbow had spread across the sky. The rainbow reminded Tamilore Marks of the story of Noah's Ark and of God's promise. Tamilore had heard the story many times and knew it by heart.
Let Your Light Shine
Your child befriends a new boy in town and learns the joy of sharing Christ with others. An excellent book for Sunday school children! Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Suzanne Jamison had just finished reading a Bible story about Jesus. Sarah was thinking, "Jesus told us to let our light shine by telling others about God and His love." Suzanne thought, "If I met someone here in London who didn't know Jesus, what would I say?"
The Circus Star
The child becomes the hero of the circus by saving the life of Chuckles the Clown. The reward is a gold medal and a starring role in the evening's performance. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
Baby Jesus and Me
Your child witnesses the first Christmas and learns the true meaning of Christmas. Includes your child's name, age, hometown and the names of friends. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
Sarah Westbrook heard about the live nativity in Finchley. Sarah asked Laura Anne and Jason to go with her. On the way they talked about the gifts the wise men gave to Baby Jesus. Sarah wondered if that was why people gave gifts at Christmas.
The Balloon Ride
Everyone loves hot-air balloons. Your child wins a contest and the special prize is a real hot-air balloon ride! Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
Imagine That!
The child delights in the story of Noah's Ark when making his/her very own picture book about this favorite Bible story. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
The Hanukkah Rescue
The child finds a lost boy and makes it a very special Hanukkah for everyone. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to 3 friends.
Budget Paperback £4.99
Sandra waved. She could see Mary, Jane and Zoe waving back. As they went higher people on the ground got smaller and smaller, until they looked no bigger than ants. Riding in a balloon was even more wonderful than she had dreamed.
Mary along with Renee, Zoeand Triniti, got to the circus so early that all the seats in the circus tent were still empty. Everyone was busy getting ready for the show. "Climb up", said Chuckles. Mary hopped beside him. They rode around and around the circus ring.
Jane Jones Played with her toys while Mary, Carol and Sam watched TV. Jane thought, "I like my toys, but I wish I could drive a real train or fly a real plane. But a ked just can't do that. "Of course you can, Jane" said a voice. It was the toy train that was talking!
Did you hear about the lost boy?" Jane's friend asked. "Hs family goes to our synagogue. He's missing and his parents don't know what to do. The police have no clues. He could be anywhere....
"Jane Jones found him" said the head of the recsue team.
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