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Everyone Loves To See Their Name In Print!
If I Could Be

An entertaining book for the child that does not like to clean their room. The child learns that it's always best to be yourself. 
Standard Hardback £9.99 or Paperback £4.99


My Zoo Book of Rhymes
Your child learns that words can be fun with this humorous book of rhymes. Filled with wonderful illustrations of animals. 
Standard Hardback £9.99 or Paperback £4.99


Let Us Thank God

This warmly illustrated personalised book, will remind your child of all the reasons they have to be thankful to God. Includes your child's name, hometown, friends, age and the name of a pet. 
A great way to get children aged 0-7 to say thanks to God. Premium Hardback only.


BOOK COVER                                                                                                       SAMPLE TEXT

Hi Jessica.  My name is Gabriel Mummy and Daddy have provided this book to you in London so you may learn some of the reasons that we give thanks to God.
The first gift God gave you was life. You were a gift of God to your parents.  They love you no matter what.  
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My Tea Party

Your special child will enjoy her very own tea party with her friends. The book includes some great tips on manners. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, friends and adult helping to plan the party. Premium Hardback.

It was a nice, sunny afternoon. Jessica Smith of  Essex sat on the porch swing listening to Mum tell the story of Queen Victoria's first tea party. "It was a beautiful afternoon just like today,"  Mum said.  "Anna, one of the Queen's ladies-in-waiting was instructed to serve tea and a little cake in her room."
"I wish I didn't have to clean my room," Susan Parker said to Mom and Dad. "I'm probably the only girl in London that has to clean her room." But Susan went to her room anyway. "If I could be a frog or a flower, I would not have to clean my room. Only kids have to do that." 


On a trip to the zoo in CambridgeAllen and Cassie played a game with Jonathan called "What Would You Do?" Allen asked Jonathan... "What would you do if a giraffe or two asked you to join them for lunch?" Jonathan said, "I'd s-t-r-e-t-c-h my neck and reach up to check which leaves were the best in the bunch."
Little One, Little One, What Do You See?

Learn to count - what do you see? This whimsical story is perfect for any child who enjoys rhyming and counting. Includes: child's name, age, hometown, and up to three friends. This is a very popluar book with parents and children! Premium Hardback.
Jessica, Jessica, now let's have some fun, looking at numbers, beginning with ONE! So, Jessica Smith, what do you see?
I see ONE elephant looking at me. Kelsey, Kelsey, what do you see? I see TWO brown bears juggling for me.

McGruff & Me

"Be Smart Be Safe" with this ingenious safety book. Teaches basic safety habits. Includes your child's name, age, hometown and up to three friends. There are two versions: Easy reader and Original (shown). Please specify your choice.


Dear Mike Smith,
This is just a note to say how proud I am of you!  ...I'm writing to ask if I can meet you soon in Kensington, London and spend the day with you.  I want to share some safety and crime-prevention tips with you and your friends. 
 The Sports Book

An all-sports story that teaches valuable lessons in fair play while promoting sportsmanship. Includes your child's name, age, gender, sports event, coach's name, hometown and up to three friends. Ages 5-12. Premium Hardback only.


 My School Fun Book

An activity book that shows your child numbers, letter and shapes. Includes your child's name, age, gender, hometown and optional teacher's name and school name. Ages 3-7


 The Sibling Book

Teach your young reader how to cope with the arrival of a new baby. Includes your child's name, age, gender, new baby's name, hometown and new baby's gender. Ages0-9. Premium Hardback only.


Once there was a little girl named Kelsey, age 2.  She lived in Ealing, London.  One day, something very exciting happened at Kelsey's home.  A brand new baby boy came to stay. "This is our new baby," everyone said to Kelsey." His name is Jordan."  Kelsey could hardly believe it.  "Wow!" 
Now, fully awake, Troy was very aware of the half-queasy, half-exhilarated feeling that came before every important Football game.  But today was not like every other sports day.  Today, Troy Draper was competing in the last and most important Football game of the season.  The championship was at stake!

"Please take me with you to Glaisdale School, Leah.  You and Ty, Lisa, and Jamie will each sit at your own desk.  I will have my own desk too. We will listen carefully to what the teacher, Mrs. Rogers, is telling us.... Mrs. Rogers asked the children to repeat after her:  A, B, C, D, E, F, G ,H, I, J, K, L, 

My Trip to the Fire Station 

Your child goes on a field trip with their class at school to the neighborhood fire station. They learn all about the Fire Station and many important fire safety rules. Valuable lessons that could save your child's life in a fire. Premium Hardback only.


Jessica and her class from Sutton High School are visiting the Sutton Fire Station today."Now class," said Miss Harold, "I know you're excited, but remember to pay close attention.  Fire prevention and fire safety are very important.  If you are ever in a fire, they could help save your life."


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Paperback £4.99