Everyone Loves To See Their Name In Print!
This range of story books is are great for all children. They come in great glossy premium hardback with beautiful illustrations on each page. Each book contains the child's full name of any spelling you choose. Their age and home-town are also featured. Two named friends appear, building the friendship aspect of the story. Choose an adult to appear in the story, promoting child safety. Excellent quality guaranteed!
All details appear throughout the story, making this a truly personal adventure for your child.
A Day at the Zoo
A Day at the Zoo takes your child and their friends on a fun adventure to see the animals. Meet the musical monkeys, see the lions and tigers and laugh at the crazy penguins. Enjoy the petting zoo where you can meet the sheep, rabbits, pigs and more, to give the perfect end to a fun day out. Premium Hardback.
Your child's name, age, hometown, 2 friends and the name of an adult are included in this wonderful adventure.
When they got into
London zoo, William could not believe his eyes! William was amazed at how many animals were at the zoo. He looked around and spotted monkeys, prairie dogs, and a tall giraffe towering over the wall.
Luke and Carol saw a little boy with a very large lolly!
My Train Adventure
My Train Adventure is about a long wished for ride on a steam engine. Finally, the day arrives and the journey begins. Soon remarkable events start to happen; a trip to the shop, a scary bridge, a tree across the tracks, and best of all, a ride in the driver's cab! Your child's name, age, hometown, 2 friends and the name of an adult are included in this wonderful adventure. Premium Hardback.
"We're off!" James laughed happily. Soot and steam came in through the open window. Dad closed it quickly, before they all got dirty. James stood in front of the window, watching the countryside pass by. He saw a tunnel up ahead. He giggled, when both John and Alex shrieked as their compartment suddenly went dark.
A Day at the Farm
A Day at the Farm takes a group of children out to visit a real working farm. Your child gets to feed baby calves with giant baby bottles, pet the goats, ride in a hay wagon and collect warm smooth eggs from the chicken house. A picnic treat leads to a fun end for a fun filled day trip to the farm.Your child's name, age, hometown, 2 friends and the name of an adult are included in this wonderful adventure. Premium Hardback.
Next stop was a field where the children petted goats from over the fence. There were also many sheep and lambs in the field. "How do the babies know which is their Mummy?" asked Lucy."All the big sheep look alike," agreed Emily and Ruth. "Don't worry. The lambs know who their Mummies are without any trouble." said Daddy.
It was Christmas eve and the snow had started to fall in London. James age 7, was always excited at this time of the year.
James, Harry and William had been counting the days to when Santa would come and visit them in London. They all sat in James's bedroom..
The Red Planet
The Red Planet starts on a quiet day in the back garden and skyrockets to an adventure on a mysterious red planet! The children are so excited when their rocket ship takes them to the stars. But when dissaster happens, they welcome the help of a group of little blue aliens.Your child's name, age, hometown, 2 friends and the name of an adult are included in this wonderful adventure.
James, Harry and Sarah sat on he grass in James's garden, eating sandwiches that Mum had made for them. "What would you like to do? asked Harry. "Let's play spacemen!" said James. "Yes, we could go to the moon and look for aliens!" cried Sarah. "Look! Over here!" shouted James. "I've found a rocket!"
Too Many Monsters
Too Many Monsters is the story of what happens if you are having too much fun inventing an even scarier monster every single day of the week! Where do all the monsters go? Monsterland, of course! Imagine all those new monsters appearing there all of a sudden.Your child's name, age, hometown, 2 friends and the name of an adult are included in this wonderful adventure.
The next day at school John told them, "We have to stop making up all these monsters. I wakeup screaming every night." Jacob nodded. "Me too," admitted James. "Okay, lets talk about somthing else then. Football or school. ANTHING but monsters!" demanded Jacob. They all agreed to stop taking about monsters.
My Christmas Adventure
When family and friends agreed to share Christmas together they had no idea that they were about to have the adventure of a lifetime. My Christmas Adventure is a magical story of your child and his/her friends helping Santa and Rudolph, deliver presents to all children in town.Includes your child's name, age, hometown and the names of friends.
The Fairy
The Fairy is a story of a greatest wish fulfilled. If you ever yearned to find a fairy at the bottom of the garden, this is the story for you. Sometimes things long wished for turn out to be less than expected, but sometimes they are even better! Premium Hardback. Your child's name, age, hometown, 2 friends and the name of an adult are included in this
wonderful adventure.
Carol was mad about fairies. Renee and Triniti, liked them too. Carol had fairy wallpaper, a fairy mobile and even a fairy duvet. Carol, Renee and Triniti searched for fairies everywher. Until now, they had never found any. They did not give up hope though. They felt they would see a fairy one day if they just kept on looking.